Length : 8 minute read

Do training professionals think blended learning is effective? 

Yes, they do. 

But the effectiveness of this type of learning is similar to the quality of blended scotch. It all comes down to finding the right balance. 

Now, what is blended learning exactly? 

It's a combination of different learning methods, such as in-person instruction and online activities. 

But what exactly do we blend into this learning? 

Well, it could be lectures, discussions, videos, interactive quizzes, or any other form of learning material. And what about the proportions? 

That depends on the specific needs of the learners and the goals of the training. The key is to find the perfect mix that engages learners and helps them achieve their objectives. 

Now, why has it been getting so much attention in the past 10 years? 

Well, advances in technology have made it easier to deliver online content, and the flexibility it offers has been attractive to both learners and trainers. 

Plus, research has shown that a well-designed blend of learning methods can lead to better learning outcomes. 

So, it's no wonder that it has become a hot topic in the training world.

To that end, this post explores different aspects of this type of learning, its benefits, and its overall contribution to your organizational structure. 

Let’s get started.

What Is Blended Learning From Organizations and Corporate Perspective?

Did you know that according to EdTech sources, a substantial 76% of teaching professionals believe that blended learning offers valuable advantages?

So what is blended learning?

Also known as hybrid or multimodal learning, it unites conventional teaching with interaction, alongside internet-based and digital materials. 

It harmonizes educator-guided sessions and independent eLearning units to cater to various learning inclinations, thereby optimizing the grasp of knowledge and honing skills.

The integration of hybrid learning into corporate training initiatives empowers companies to harness the most advantageous elements of face-to-face and web-based teaching techniques. 

This leads to a heightened, adaptable, and efficient learning journey for employees.

What Are The Key Components of Blended Learning?

Depending on the learning software environment or the LMS program that’s offering this type of learning, the components might vary. However, they remain more or less the same.

Take a look below:


  • In-Person Training


It typically incorporates traditional classroom-style training, workshops, or seminars where learners interact with instructors and peers in a physical setting. 

This allows for direct communication, immediate feedback, and group collaboration.


  • Online Learning


The online component involves the use of digital resources, such as eLearning platforms, webinars, virtual classrooms, interactive modules, videos, and self-paced courses.

Learners can access these materials anytime and anywhere through computers or mobile devices.

Blended Learning Benefits for Organizations and Corporates

A significant majority of educators, comprising 73%, affirm that blended learning contributes to a notable boost in student engagement.

Let’s have a look at the blended learning benefits.


  • Flexibility and Convenience


One of the blended learning benefits includes flexibility and convenience.

It offers flexibility to learners as they can access online resources at their own pace and convenience. 

This reduces the need for all employees to be present at the same time for training, accommodating diverse schedules and remote work setups.


  • Improved Engagement


Combining various learning modalities keeps learners engaged by offering a mix of interactive activities, multimedia, and real-time discussions. 

This variety can enhance retention and motivation.


  • Personalization


It allows organizations to tailor training content to meet individual learner needs. 

Online assessments and analytics enable the identification of knowledge gaps, allowing for personalized learning paths.


  • Cost-Effectiveness


Integrating online components can reduce the cost of traditional training, such as travel, venue rental, and printed materials. 

Additionally, the ability to reuse and update digital content saves resources in the long term.


  • Enhanced Learning Outcomes


By blending different learning approaches, learners can benefit from the best of both worlds. 

They receive immediate feedback and support during in-person sessions while having the flexibility to reinforce their learning with online resources.


  • Scalability


It can scale to accommodate the training needs of both small and large organizations. 

Digital content can be distributed widely, reaching a broader audience without significant additional costs.


  • Data-Driven Insights


The digital aspect of learning allows for detailed tracking and reporting of learners' progress and performance. 

Organizations can use this data to measure the effectiveness of the training program and make data-driven decisions for improvement.


  • Continuous Learning


It fosters a culture of continuous learning within the organization. 

Employees can access resources even after the training sessions, enabling them to refresh their knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest developments.


  • Consistency


With standardized online content, this type of learning ensures that all learners receive consistent and uniform information, reducing discrepancies in training quality.

Blended Learning Types and Models

As indicated by studies, a substantial 82% of students opt for a hybrid learning setting as opposed to a conventional one.

Launching blended learning can be challenging because it is an extremely flexible technique. 

With so many strategies and tools to choose from, even experienced learning professionals may feel overwhelmed and confused. 

Balancing everything can be a major task. But don't worry, you're not alone! 

Many educators and instructional designers have faced the same challenges when implementing hybrid learning. 

It's normal to feel a bit intimidated at first, but with the right support and resources, you can successfully navigate through this process.

One of the first steps in launching hybrid learning is to familiarize yourself with the various strategies and tools available. 

There are numerous options, such as flipped classrooms, online discussion boards, and interactive multimedia. 

Take some time to research and understand each one, so you can determine which ones align with your goals and objectives.

That’s where these learning models come in. 

As a learning professional, or a technology champion looking to implement a hybrid learning system in an organization, here’s what you need to know about examples of blended learning. 


  • Face-to-Face Blended Learning Driver Model


The face-to-face driver model is similar to traditional classroom training. In this approach, not everyone in the class will participate in online training. 

Instead, the focus is on individuals who are struggling or want to excel. 

The goal is to meet their specific needs. 


  • Personalization


This model recognizes that different learners have different requirements and tailors the training accordingly. 

It aims to provide personalized support and extra resources to those who need it. 


  • Higher Engagement


By offering face-to-face interaction, this model encourages more direct engagement and allows for immediate feedback. 

It also allows for flexibility in addressing individual learning styles and preferences. 

The face-to-face driver model acknowledges that not all learners will benefit from a one-size-fits-all approach and provides a more individualized learning experience. 

This model recognizes the importance of catering to the unique needs and goals of each learner, allowing them to reach their full potential.


  • Rotation Model


In a rotation, students move from one learning activity to another. This can occur in a structured session led by a teacher or online in a self-directed manner. 

Examples of rotations include learning stations and labs.


  • Engagement


The rotation model provides students with a variety of activities to enhance their learning experience. 

This can help to keep students engaged and motivated. 


  • Differentiation


It also allows for differentiation, as students can work at their own pace and in their preferred learning style.

In a rotation, students have the opportunity to explore different topics or concepts in depth. 

They can interact with the material in a hands-on way, through experiments or projects. 

This active participation can lead to a deeper understanding and retention of the material.

Overall, rotations offer a flexible and interactive approach to learning. They provide opportunities for students to take ownership of their learning and explore topics in a variety of ways. 

By incorporating different learning activities, rotations can cater to the diverse needs and interests of students.


  • Flipped Classrooms


In a flipped classroom, the motto is "online learning, offline application." 

What happens is that lectures and homework elements are switched around. 

Instead of learning new content in the classroom, learners study it at home before class. 

Then, when they come to class, they focus on actively learning and applying the skills they've just learned. 

This could mean having discussions, working on case studies, or doing project work. 

The instructor's role is to guide the learners by answering their questions and helping them apply the concepts they've learned.

The idea behind the flipped classroom is that it allows for more interactive and hands-on learning. 

Instead of passive listening in the classroom, students are actively engaging with the material. 

They have the opportunity to ask questions, participate in discussions, and work on real-world projects. This can help deepen their understanding and retention of the material.

The flipped classroom model has gained popularity in recent years, thanks to advancements in technology. 

Online platforms and resources make it easier for students to access and study course content outside of the classroom. 

This frees up class time for more meaningful and interactive activities.


  • Gamification


New research findings demonstrate that the incorporation of gamification results in a significant 48% surge in employee engagement. 

Additionally, an inquiry involving 500 professionals in the business sector revealed that 30% of participants acknowledged that gamification likewise generates an enhanced inclination for workplace engagement.

It is a powerful tool for motivating learners. 


  • Increased Motivation


When learners can play and engage with game-like elements such as earning points or progressing through levels, they become more motivated to explore the material at their own pace.

By incorporating these gameplay elements, learners feel a sense of competition, which drives them to actively participate and learn. 

It taps into their natural inclination for challenge and achievement.


  • Fun Learning Experience


Furthermore, gamification adds an element of fun and excitement to the learning experience. 

Rather than feeling forced or obligated to learn, learners are willingly engaging with the material because they enjoy the process. 

This increases their retention and understanding of the content.


  • Autonomy


In addition, gamification allows learners to have a sense of control and autonomy. 

They can choose when and how they engage with the material, which gives them a greater sense of ownership over their learning journey. 

This autonomy further increases motivation and engagement.


  • Social Interaction


Moreover, gamification can also promote social interaction. 

Learners can compete with their peers, compare scores, and collaborate on challenges. 

This fosters a sense of community and support, making the learning experience more enjoyable and engaging.


  • Online Laboratories


Online Lab is a digital learning model that doesn't require much or any interaction with an instructor. 

It can be done before, during, or after training. Learners have the flexibility to access content on their mobile phones, laptops, or tablets. 

This is also known as mLearning. Online Lab is designed to engage and reinforce learning.


  • Accessibility


This learning modality has gained popularity due to its convenience and accessibility. 

Learners can access the content anytime and anywhere, allowing them to fit their studies into their busy schedules. 

Whether they are on the go or sitting comfortably at home, they can easily engage with the materials.


  • Wide Range Of Content


The online platform provides a range of content, including videos, quizzes, and interactive modules. 

The content is tailored to the specific topic or subject being taught. Learners can progress at their own pace, revisiting and reviewing the materials as needed. 

This self-paced learning approach allows individuals to grasp the concepts fully before moving on to the next topic.


  • Ability To Track Progress


One of the key advantages of Online Lab is the ability to track progress. 

Learners can see how they are performing and where they may need to focus more attention. 

This helps them identify areas for improvement and take necessary actions to enhance their understanding.


  • Online Driver


The online driver's hybrid learning model is all about self-direction and digital learning. 


  • Interactive


It allows learners to interact with instructors through chat, email, or message boards. 


  • Flexible


It offers flexibility in scheduling and personalized learning, but it does lack the face-to-face interaction found in other types of learning


  • Self-Directed Learning


To encourage self-directed learning and monitor progress, an LMS (Learning Management System) is the way to go. 

With an LMS, users can enjoy media, engage in classroom discussions, and have their learning process monitored. 


  • Personalization


You have the option to choose from existing learning management systems or even have one developed specifically for your needs. 

So, whether it's for personal or organizational purposes, the online driver's example of blended learning models with an LMS can help facilitate effective and engaging learning experiences.

Best Practices For Blended Learning At Your Company

Have you heard about this type of learning?

It's a fantastic way to cover a lot of course material while keeping learners independent and engaged. 

But you might wonder, how do we get learners to take charge of their education? 

Well, it's all about combining best practices and strategies with the rest of the curriculum to make the most of both at-home and in-class efforts.


  • Let Learners Know why we Have Chosen Blended Learning


First things first, let's make sure learners understand why we've chosen hybrid learning as our delivery method. 

We want them on board from day one! 

You see, hybrid learning respects that everyone learns at their own pace and values their time. 

Plus, it allows us to spend valuable class time putting concepts into action and having meaningful discussions.


  • Have Diverse Activities in the mix


To cater to different learning styles, we need diverse activities in the mix. There's no one-size-fits-all approach to effective learning. 

So, let's include group discussions, online quizzes, games, and even role-playing to keep everyone engaged and learning their way.


  • Create Engaging Videos


And guess what? The Internet is our most powerful learning tool! 

Why stick to plain whiteboard questions when we can show engaging videos? 

We can ask learners to watch videos on their own time and then discuss them in class the next day. 

Researching at home and reporting back in class is another cool idea.

Oh, and here's a game-changer: online modules paired with quick in-class presentations. 

When learners get to apply what they've learned shortly after class, it sticks with them much better.

That's why blended learning works well. It's not just about watching or hearing; it's about doing. 

When learners apply their knowledge right after leaving the class, they remember it better. It's a win-win for everyone involved.

Optimize Your Training Programs with Oreed's Blended Learning Solution

Discover the capabilities of Oreed, an innovative education intelligence platform crafted to seamlessly manage both online and blended training events.

Oreed brings a comprehensive suite of event management tools onto a single unified platform.


  • Enhance Employee Engagement and Knowledge


Through Oreed, you gain unparalleled insights into your workforce, enabling you to comprehensively understand your employees' strengths and areas that require development.


  • Identify Training Requirements


This valuable insight empowers you to accurately assess employees' training needs, facilitating strategic planning for upcoming training initiatives that precisely address skill gaps.

Moreover, Oreed offers the flexibility of tailoring training modules to suit your organization's unique requirements.


  • Quantify Training Impact


Oreed doesn't stop at just delivery – it empowers you to evaluate the efficacy of your training efforts. 

With robust analytics and measurement features, you can quantify the impact and effectiveness of each training module, making data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

Elevate your training initiatives with Oreed's Blended Learning approach and unlock a new realm of precision, insight, and impact in your organization's learning journey.

So what are you waiting for? Book a demo with Oreed to get a walk of all that we have to offer.

Promote lifelong learning through Oreed by experiencing the most powerful all-in-one training and development intelligent platform that streamlines all your organization's learning, training, and development activities in one place.